We've begun working on the next quilt show donation quilt - what fun! The center part is paper pieced, and is going together beautifully (and fairly quickly.) The borders are appliqued (designed by Nellie, of course!) and are going to be absolutely incredible. Anyone from KAQG is invited (encouraged!) to join us on our work days - the applique will definitely take up a huge chunk of time and many hands to get it completed.
1 comment:
Hello ~
I hope you get this and can point me in the right direction. I am desperately searching for the Virginie Cochepin cross stitch sampler pattern that was published in the February 1988 issue of Early American Life. I cannot seem to get my hands on a copy of the magazine, chart, or anything even remotely close. There was a note that a kit was available from Nelly's Needler. I am sure that is not longer true, but I am hoping desperately that you might at least point me in the direction of where I could start my hunt.
Thank you so kindly.
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